
Articles scientifiques

  • Giboreau A, Mourier V., Rousseau C., Lavergne S. & Vansteene D., Culinary solutions to prevent or delay advanced malnutrition: Patients and chefs’ contribution to the nutritional enrichment of standard recipes, Clinical Nutrition Open Science.
  • Le Moal F., Mealtime emotion work: Gendered politics of care and power at the table, Journal of Marriage and Family. Disponible en ligne :
  • Le Moal F., Michaud M., Coveney J., Exploring unequal class logics of mealtime food socialisation. An ethnography of family meals in France and Australia, Appetite, Vol. 195. Disponible en ligne :
  • Joussain P., Giboreau A., Morizet & Romagny S., The Influence of Real-life Contexts on User Experience, Odor Perception and Perceived Performance of Hair Care Products., Food Quality and Preference.

  • Berezutskaya J., Saive A. L., Jerbi K., Van Gerven M. (2022), "How does artificial intelligence contribute to iEEG research?", Intracranial EEG for Cognitive Neuroscience, arXiv:2207.13190,
  • Burges Watson DL., Giboreau A., Coveney J., Kelly C., Bensafi M., Braud A., Bruyas A., Carrouel F., Cartner H., Cunha L., Deary V., Dougkas A., Monteleone E., Mourier V., Singer P., Spinelli S. (2022), "I-eAT, a consortium addressing gastronomic solutions for altered taste: A research and development manifesto", Clinical Nutrition Open Science, Altered Taste Special edition,
  • Cosson A., Meudec E., Ginies C., Dane A., Lieben P., Descamps N., Cheynier V., Saint-Eve A., Souchon I. (2022), Identification and quantification of key phytochemicals in peas – Linking compounds with sensory attributes, Food Chemistry, 385, 132615. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.132615
  • Drareni K., Dougkas A., Lusson H., Vansteene D., Giboreau A., Bensafi M. (2022), 'Flavor enhancement as a strategy to improve food liking in cancer patients with taste and smell alterations', Altered Taste Special edition,
  • Foinant D., Lafraire J., Thibaut J. P. (2022), "Tears for pears: Influence of children's neophobia on categorization performance and strategy in the food domain", Frontiers in Nutrition, 9,
  • Foinant D., Lafraire J., Thibaut J-P. (2022), Relationships between executive functions and food rejection dispositions in young children, Appetite Volume 176, 106102.
  • Galiñanes Plaza A.Saulais L., Delarue J. (2022), 'Hedonic response sensitivity to variations in the evaluation task and culinary preparation in a natural consumption context', Frontiers in Nutrition, 9,
  • Galiñanes Plaza A.Saulais L., Delarue J. (2022), What really matters when dining out? Insights into the role of context from a qualitative study with French consumers, International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, Volume 28, 100537,
  • Girgis H., Nguyen S. , Lafraire J., Thibaut J.P., Rioux C. (2022), "To be or not to be? The effect of transformations on category membership of foods versus non-foods", Child Development
  • Guyot E., Nazare J-A. Oustric P., Robert M., Disse E., Dougkas A., Iceta S. (2022), Food Reward after Bariatric Surgery and Weight Loss Outcomes: An Exploratory Study, Nutrients, 14(3), 449,
  • Javerliat C. , Elst P. P. , Saive A. L. , Baert P. , Lavoué G. (2022), " Nebula: An Affordable Open-Source and Autonomous Olfactory Display for VR Headsets", 28th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 8, DOI: 10.1145/3562939.3565617
  • Lakritz C., Tournayre L., Ouellet M., Iceta S., Duriez P., Masetti V. & Lafraire J. (2022), Sinful Foods: Measuring Implicit Associations Between Food Categories and Moral Attributes in Anorexic, Orthorexic, and Healthy Subjects, Frontiers in Nutrition 9,
  • Lakritz C., Tournayre L., Ouellet M., Iceta S., Duriez P., Masetti V., Lafraire J. (2022), The Crossroads of Psychology, Neuroscience and Nutrition", Frontiers in Nutrition, Special Issue Food Cognition
  • Lamy A., Costa S., de Lanauze G., Vial C., Sirieix L. (2022), "When the product was an animal: Levels of constructs and affective distance to the original object in the case of horse meat", Marketing Decisions, Vol. 107, N°3.
  • Lamy A., Costa S., Sirieix L., Michaud M. (2022), "Less red meat to be greener? An exploratory study of the representations of sustainable cuisine among French chefs", International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science,
  • Pickard A., Philippe K., Thibaut J.P., Lafraire J. (2022), 'Poor conceptual knowledge in the food domain linked with food rejection dispositions in 3-7-year-old children', Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 226, 105546,
  • Sigrist M.Michaud M. (2022), "Usages de l'espace, positionnement social et dimensions raciales : le cas des immigrés français de Salvador de Bahia (Brésil)", EchoGéo, N°59,
  • Sigrist M., Bianquis I., Michaud M. (2022), "Cooking and selling one's preparations: Le travail culinaire des femmes brésiliennes en situation d'immigration", Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, Vol. 38, N°1-2,
  • Vieira J. , Jacquier C., Giboreau A. (2022), "Measuring Food Emotions in a Living Lab", in Moustafa Bensafi (Eds): Basic Protocols on Emotions, Senses, and Foods. Methods & Protocols in Food science. Springer Nature.
  • Villota R., Tapia E., Chacon D., Valdivieso J. C. (2022), "El impacto de la declaracion de Baluarte del Cangrejo Azul en su cadena de valor en Muisne, Ecuador". Journal of the Research Institute of the School of Tourism and Hospitality, San Martin de Porres University,


  • Chen Y., Perez-Cueto F., Giboreau A., Mavridis I. & Hartwell H. (2021), Consumer preferences for the use of an innovative digital menu solution in public food service settings in four European countries Food Quality and Preference, 94, 
  • Foinant,D.Lafraire J., Thibaut J.-P. (2021) Fatal errors in the food domain: children's categorization performance and strategy depend on both food processing and neophobic dispositions. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 43, No. 43)
  • Foinant D., Lafraire J., & Thibaut J. P. (2021). Strength or nausea? Children’s reasoning about the health consequences of food consumption. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1119.
  • Guyot E., Dougkas A., Bagot S., Nazare J.A., Disse E. & Iceta S. (2021),  A Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses of Food Preference Modifications After Bariatric Surgery, Obesity Reviews, 10, World Obesity,
  • Guyot E., Dougkas A., Nazare J.A., Robert M., Iceta S, Disse E. (2021), Modifications of food preferences among patients with bariatric surgery: a cross sectional study, Obesity Surgery, Online,
  • Iceta S., Tardieu S., Guyot E., Nazare J.A., Dougkas A., Rajot A., Laville M., Robert M., Disse E. (2021), An artificial intelligence-derived tool to ease food addiction screening in bariatric populations, Eating and Weight Disorders, online, doi: 10.1007/s40519-020-01076-2
  • Jönsson H., Michaud M., Neuman N. (2021), What Is Commensality? A Critical Discussion of an Expanding Research Fiel, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(12):6235. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18126235.
  • Le Moal F., Michaud M., Hartwick-Pflaum C.A., Middleton G., Mallon I., Coveney J. (2021) Beyond the Normative Family Meal Promotion: A Narrative Review of Qualitative Results about Ordinary Domestic Commensality. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
  • Manesse C., Ferdenzi C., Mantel M., Sabri M., Bessy M., Fournel A., Faure F., Bellil D., Jomain S., Landis B., Hugentobler M., Giboreau A., Rouby C. & Bensafi M. (2021), The prevalence of olfactory deficits and their effects on eating behavior from childhood to old age: a large-scale study in the French population, Food Quality and Preference. 93, 104273
  • Martinon P., Fraticelli L., Giboreau A., Dussart C., Bourgeois D., Carrouel F. (2021), Nutrition as a Key Modifiable Factor for Periodontitis and Main Chronic Diseases. Journal of  Clinical Medecine. 10, 197.
  • Miele N., Giboreau A. & Almli V.L. (2021), The temporality of eating behavior as a discriminant tool to characterize consumers: Temporal Dominance of Behavior applied to bread consumption during a restaurant meal in France. Food Quality and Preference. 92, 104225,
  • Patois C., Chen Y., Meiselman H.L., Barraco F., Giboreau A. (2021), Designing food for bone marrow transplant patients with compromised immunity: limited ingredients, recipes and balanced diet. International Journal of Food Design, vol. 6, n°1, Open Access, 27-51,
  • Pickard A., Thibaut J.P., Lafraire J. (2021), Strawberries and Cream: The Relationship between Food Rejection and Thematic Knowledge of Food in Young Children, Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 280,
  • Borghini A. & Gandolini M. (2020), Recipes, Their Authors and Their Names, HUMANA.MENTE Journal of Philosphical Studies, 12(38), 143-162. 
  • Chen Y., Perez Cueto F., Giboreau A., Mavridis I. & Hartwell H. (2020) The promotion of eating behaviour change in healthy populations through digital interventions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7488.
  • Dantec M., Mantel M., Lafraire J., Rouby C., Bensafi M. (2020), On the contribution of the senses to food emotional experience, Food Quality and Preference, Science Direct, 104120,
  • Dougkas A., Cooper L, Hocking E (2020) The role of dairy products in the development of obesity across the lifespan. Milk and Dairy Foods: The functionality in Human Health and Disease
  • Dougkas A., Hobbs D (2020) The role of milk and dairy products in the development of obesity and cardiometabolic disease. Handbook of Eating and Drinking: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
  • Drareni K., Bensafi M., Giboreau A., & Dougkas A. (2020). Chemotherapy-induced taste and smell changes influence food perception in cancer patients. Supportive Care in Cancer, 29(4), 2125-2132
  • Drareni K., Hummel T., Bensafi M., Serex C.A., Hugentobler M., Rimmer J., Friedrich H., Voruz F., Terzic A., Landis B.N. (2020) Olfactory and Gustatory Function in Patients With Different Types of Maxillofacial Trauma. The Laryngoscope
  • Edwards J.S.A., Hartwell H. & Giboreau A. (2020), Emotions studied in context : the role of environment. In H.L. Meiselman Emotion Measurement. Elsevier. 2nd Edition
  • Foinant D., Lafraire J., Thibaut J.-P. (2020) A time for a meal? Children’s conceptions of short and long term effects of foods. Cognitive Development, SI: Food Cognition in Children.
  • Guyot E. Mise au point de la commission scientifique et recherche : Syndrome d'auto-brasserie. Information Diététique
  • Hartwell H., Bray J., Lavrushkina N., Rodrigues V., Saulais L., Giboreau A., Perez-Cueto F.J.A., Monteleone E., Depezay L. & Appleton K.M. (2020) Increasing Vegetable Consumption out of home: VeggiEAT and Veg+ projects. Nutrition Bulletin, 424-43
  • Lafraire J., Rioux C., Hamaoui J., Girgis H., Nguyen S., Thibaut J.-P. (2020), Food as a borderline domain of knowledge: the development of domain-specific inductive reasoning strategies in young children, Cognitive Development, SI: Food Cognition in Children, 56, Elsevier, 100946,
  • Middleton G., Golley R., Patterson K., Le Moal F., Coveney J. What can families gain from the family meal? A mixed-papers systematic review. Appetite.
  • Nguyen S. & Lafraire J. (2020) Children’s food cognition: Introduction to the special issue, Cognitive Development, 56: 100963. 
  • Palczak J., Giboreau A., Rogeaux M. & Delarue J. (2020), How do pastry and culinary chefs design sensory complexity? International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science. 19, 100182.
  • Roque J., Lafraire J., Auvray M. (2020), Audiovisual Crossmodal Correspondence between Bubbles’ Size and Pouring Sounds’ Pitch in Carbonated Beverages, Foods, 9(8), MDPI, 966,
  • Zerbini L, Landeau GGiboreau A, Sharma A, Yu C, Lin M & Jung IH. Food access and insecurity during COVID 19 – Evidence from France. PennState Scholar Sphere.

Ouvrages et Chapitres d'ouvrages

  • Galiñanes Plaza, A.; Giboreau, A., Meal evaluations: Studying foods and beverages in the meal context
  • Vieira, J.; Giboreau, A., Measuring food emotions in a Living Lab
  • Galiñanes Plaza, A.; Pinhas, J.H.; Abiven, F.; Giboreau, A., Multisensory immersive rooms : a mixed reality solution to overcome the limits of contexts studies in Labbe D.,
  • Berezutskaya, J., Saive, A. L., Jerbi, K., & van Gerven, M., How does artificial intelligence contribute to iEEG research?
  • Le Borgne G., Dyen M., Chaboud G., Sebbane, Lutte contre le gaspillage alimentaire: approches et limites des actions centrées sur le consommateur / The Fight Against Food Waste: Approaches and Limits to Consumer‐based Actions
  • Giboreau A., Dworczack F. (2021), Quand la recherche se met à table. Paris :EDP Science.
  •  A. Zucchi, J. Lafraire (2021), La faim des Haricots, Marabout
  • Dougkas, A., Saulais, L., & Giboreau, A. (2019). Studying Natural Meals: What are the Benefits of the Living Lab Approach? In Context: The Effects of Environment on Product Design and Evaluation. Herbert Meiselman.
  • Saulais L., Doyon M. & Massey C. (2019) Promoting More Sustainable Consumers Decisions in Foodservice in Effectiveness of the “Nudges” Approach, Amit Sharma, Apple Academic Press.
  • Giboreau ADougkas A. Gastronomy as an Aid to Increasing people'’s Food Intake at Healthcare Institutions, in the Encyclopedia of Food Security and Sustainability.
  • Giboreau (2018) Situational factors and the design of in situ evaluations: Living Lab and Real-life approaches in G. Ares & P. Varela (Eds) Advances in Methodological Approaches in Consumer Research. Elsevier. p103-116.
  • Eschevins, A., Giboreau, A & Dacremont, C. (2017). Connaissances expertes des accords boissons/mets: Principes d’association des vins et bières avec les mets. Dans J. R. Pitte (dir.), Les accords mets-vins : un art français (p. 257-267). CNRS-Edition.
  • Saulais L., Valceschini E. (2017) La sécurité sanitaire des aliments : un nouveau modèle de régulation européen in Transformations agricoles et agroalimentaires : entre écologie et capitalisme Editeurs : Gilles Allaire, Benoit Daviron. Edition QUAE, Collection Synthèse. Ch 11, 199-211

Chapitres d'ouvrages et ouvrages 2016 - 2007

Collection « Alimentation & Bien être » Institut Lyfe & Apicil


  • "A table en famille", livret issu de la thèse de Fairley Le Moal, de la collection "Alimentation et bien-être", Institut Lyfe & Apicil

Médaille d'argent du Ministère de l'Agriculture 
  • "Des légumes et des enfants", livret issu de la thèse de David Morizet, de la collection "Alimentation & bien-être", Institut Lyfe & Apicil


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