Agnès Giboreau
Sciences des aliments, Evaluation sensorielle, Comportement consommateurs
Activités / CV
MES ACTIVITES - Coordination de l'activité Recherche de l'Institut Lyfe anciennement Institut Paul Bocuse
- Interface universités/industries
- Direction de Thèses
- Pilotage de Grands projets
- Ingénieure Agrosup Dijon
- Doctorat AgroParisTech
- Master Psychologie cognitive Université Paris 8
- Habilitation à diriger des recherches Université Lyon 1
- Expériences dans l'industrie et le conseil Recherche et innovation
- Enseignement universitaire
- Membre de l'Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1. Laboratoire P2S
Informations complémentaires
MES DERNIERES EXPERIENCES SIGNIFICATIVESPilotage du projet CANUT, Cancer Nutrition & Taste : développer, tester et déployer des solutions adaptées aux différents profils de patients sous chimiothérapie (recommandations sensorielles, nutritionnelles et culinaires).
Pilotage du
programme ISPAR, Innovation et Science pour l’Alimentation et la restauration (PIA3) : développement de projets collaboratifs et d’infrastructures de créativité, de caractérisation et d’évaluation in situ.
Sensorialité - Plaisir des Repas - Santé - Individus
Articles dans revues à comité de lecture
- Riantiningtyas R.R., Carrouel F., Bruyas A., Bredie W.L.P., Kwiecien C., Giboreau A. & Dougkas A. (2023) Oral somatosensory alterations in head and neck cancer patients an overview of the evidence and causes. Cancers, 15, 718.
- Drareni K, Dougkas A., Giboreau A, Laville M., Souquet P.J., Nazare, J.A., Fournel P. & Bensafi M. (2023Loss of smell in lung cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: prevalence and relationship with food habit changes. Lung Cancer, 177, 29-36, https://10.1016/j.lungcan.2023.01.007
- Burges Watson D.L., GiboreauA., Coveney J., Kelly C., Bensafi M., Braud A., Bruyas A., Carrouel F., Cartner H ., Cunha L.M., Deary V., Dougkas A., Monteleone E., Mourier V., Singer P. & Spinelli S. (2023) I-eAT, a consortium addressing gastronomic solutions for altered taste: A research and development manifesto . 47, 78-84,
- Drareni K, Dougkas A, Lusson H, Vansteene D, Giboreau A, Bensafi M (2023) Flavor enhancement as a strategy to improve food liking in cancer patients with taste and smell alterations, Clinical Nutrition Open Science, 47, 53-63.
- Giboreau A. (2022) Lalimentation et ses liens à lenvironnement et à la santé. Servir 2022/7 N° 517, 52-55.
- Chen Y, Perez-Cueto F, Giboreau A., Mavridis I. & Hartwell H (2021) Consumer preferences for the use of an innovative digital menu solution in public food service settings in four European countries Food Quality and Preference, 94,
- Manesse C., Ferdenzi C., Mantel M., Sabri M., Bessy M., Fournel A., Faure F., Bellil D., Jomain S., ; Landis B., Hugentobler M., Giboreau A., Rouby C. & Bensafi M. (in press) The prevalence of olfactory deficits and their effects on eating behavior from childhood to old age: a large-scale study in the French population Food Quality and Preference. 93, 104273
- Miele N., Giboreau A. & Almli V.L. (2021)The temporality of eating behavior as a discriminant tool to characterize consumers: Temporal Dominance of Behavior applied to bread consumption during a restaurant meal in France. Food Quality and Preference. 92, 104225
- Patois C., Chen Y., Meiselman H.L., Barraco F. & Giboreau A. (2021) Designing food for bone marrow transplant patients with compromised immunity: limited ingredients, recipes and balanced diet. International Journal of Food Design, 6 (1), 27-51
- Chen Y., Perez Cueto F., Giboreau A., Mavridis I. & Hartwell H. (2020) The promotion of eating behaviour change in healthy populations through digital interventions International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(20), 74-88.
- Drareni K. Bensafi M., Giboreau A. & Dougkas A. (2020) Chemotherapy-induced taste and smell changes influence food perception in cancer patients, Supportive Care in Cancer. 1-8.
- C. Patois et al. Designing food for bone marrow transplant patients with compromised immunity: limited ingredients, recipes and balanced diet. International Journal Food Design
- Dougkas A., Vannereux M & Giboreau A. (2019) The Impact of Herbs and Spices on Increasing the Appreciation and Intake of Low-Salt Legume-Based Meals. Nutrients 2019, 11(12), 2901-2921;
- Drareni K, Dougkas A, Giboreau A, Laville M, Souquet PJ, Bensafi M. (2019) Relationship between food behavior and taste and smell alterations in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: A structured review. Seminars in Oncology, 46(2), 160-172. doi: 10.1053/j.seminoncol.2019.05.002
- Eschevins A., A. Giboreau, P. Julien & C. Dacremont (2019) From expert knowledge and sensory science to a general model of food and beverage pairing with wine and beer. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 17, 100-144.
- Giboreau A, Schwartz C., Morizet D. & Meiselman H.L. (2019) Measuring Food Waste and Consumption by Children Using Photography. Nutrients. 11(10), 2410-2441;
- Liu J., E. Petit, AC Brit & A. Giboreau (2019) The impact of tablecloth on consumers’ food perception in real-life eating situation. Food Quality and Preference. 71, 168-171.
- Palczak J., Giboreau A., Rogeaux M. & Delarue J. (in press) How do pastry and culinary chefs design sensory complexity? International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science
- Saulais L., Massey C., Appleton K., Perez-Cueto F.J.A., Dinnella C., Monteleone E., Depezay L., Hartwell H.& Giboreau A. (2019) When are ‘Dish of the Day’ nudges most effective to increase vegetable selection? Food Policy. 85, 15-27.
- Eschevins A; Giboreau A., Allard T & Dacremont C. (2018) The role of aromatic similarity in food and beverage pairing Food Quality and Preference, 65, 18-27.
- Iborra-Bernad C., L. Saulais, E. Petit & Giboreau A. (2018) Sensory analysis and observational study in an experimental restaurant: pilot study. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science. 13, 47-51.
- Meiselman H.L. & Giboreau A. (2018) Emotions before and after a meal in a natural eating situation. Food Quality and Preference, 65, 191-193.
Consulter les publications plus anciennesChapitres d'ouvrage et ouvrages
- Giboreau A. & Dworczack F. (2021) Quand la recherche se met à table. Paris :EDP Science
- Edwards J.S.A., Hartwell H. & Giboreau A. (2020) Emotions studied in context : the role of environment. In H.L. Meiselman Emotion Measurement. Elsevier. 2nd Edition
- Zerbini L, Landeau G, Giboreau A, Sharma A, Yu C, Lin M & Jung IH Food access and insecurity during COVID 19 – Evidence from France. PennState Scholar Sphere.
- Dougkas, A., Saulais, L., & Giboreau, A. (2019). Studying Natural Meals: What are the Benefits of the Living Lab Approach? in Meiselman H. (Ed.) Context: The Effects of Environment on Product Design and Evaluation.. Woodhead Publishing.
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